Attending Govhack I teamed up with work colleagues at the event. After the initial discussion we decided on the indigenous languages challange to raise awareness and act to preserve and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages in Australia. Our vision for the weekend was to use emerging technology to create an application used in partnership with communities to promote and encourage active participation in the preservation and reconstruction of some of our most valuable and at-risk languages.

My role was the Augmented Reality Developer and the “Video guy”. We set out to crate a system that demonstrated our idea utilising the data sets provided by the state library, Our team was worked well together, each focusing on their core strengths. I focused on creating an AR system that can identify images and geo-locations and their name. Then provide the word in the local language as an visual overlay. This was then demonstrated and filmed that afternoon. The second day, I focused on creating the video that is shown.

Our team won the Indigenous Language award, however also got an honorable mention to unearth references to Indigenous agricultural practices by searching archival records.

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