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Setting SMART goals is essential for growth. But sometimes, we focus too much on results we can’t control. Instead, we should aim for achievements that push us forward, step by step. This approach not only builds momentum but also helps you grow.

Let’s explore how shifting your mindset and goal-setting process can make a difference.

The Problem with Result-Based Goals

Imagine setting a goal like:
“Gain 100 new followers in 30 days.”

On the surface, it sounds specific, measurable, and time-bound. But here’s the issue: you don’t control whether 100 people decide to follow you. You could post great content and still miss that number. This can leave you frustrated and feeling like a failure.

Relying on results that depend on other people can hurt your progress. It’s like preparing for an exam but grading yourself based on whether you topped the class.

Focus on Achievements Within Your Control

Instead of tying your success to results, flip the goal to focus on actions. For example:
“Post 3 times a week with a clear call to action for feedback.”

Here’s why this works:

  1. It’s specific: You know exactly what to do.
  2. It’s measurable: You can track whether you post three times.
  3. It’s within your control: You control how often and what you post.

Even if you don’t gain 100 followers, you’ll still improve. Asking for feedback might teach you what works and what doesn’t. Over time, this leads to growth.

The SMART Framework with a Realistic Approach

The SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) is great for setting clear goals. But it often assumes a predictable world where hard work equals results.

This is where the Just World Fallacy comes in. It’s the belief that life is fair and effort always leads to success. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Posting great content won’t always mean instant engagement. But sticking to the habit of posting helps you refine your skills. That’s an achievement you control.

Action-based goals are still SMART:

  • Specific: You know what you need to do.
  • Measurable: You track your weekly posts.
  • Achievable: You decide the schedule.
  • Relevant: Posting consistently helps you build a presence.
  • Time-bound: Weekly posting keeps you accountable.

More importantly, it focuses on what you can control.

Growth Comes from Achievements, Not Results

Each time you hit an action-based goal, you achieve something valuable. Even if the results aren’t perfect, you’re moving forward. Over time:

  1. You’ll gather feedback and improve.
  2. Consistent action builds habits.
  3. Small wins create momentum and confidence.

For example, instead of feeling like you failed to get 100 followers, you can celebrate posting consistently for a month. This mindset keeps you motivated and resilient.

A Practical Mindset Shift

Focus on what you do, not what happens after. Here are a few ways to flip your goals:

Result-Based Goal

Achievement-Based Goal

"Get 1,000 downloads for an app in 60 days."
"Release weekly updates showcasing app features and collect user feedback."
"Get 10 positive reviews"
"Follow up with all clients after purchase"
"Sell 50 products this month"
"Reach out to 5 new potential customers daily"
"Gain 100 followers in 30 days"
"Post 3 times a week, asking for feedback"
"Reduce cart abandonment by 20%."
"Test and implement 2 new checkout strategies this month, like simplified forms or discount pop-ups."
"Achieve 1,000 likes on every post."
"Experiment with new content formats weekly to assess engagement."
"Secure 10 partnerships for product placement."
"Reach out to 5 potential partners each week with tailored proposals."

You can’t always control results, but you can control the effort you put in. Over time, these actions compound into real success.

What Now

Setting achievement-based goals keeps you focused on progress. While results can be unpredictable, consistent action builds skills and confidence. Remember, growth happens when you focus on what you can do, not just what you hope happens. Set SMART goals, but keep them rooted in reality.

Celebrate your achievements, they are what truly drive you forward.

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Author Aisjam

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